Gay enviroment in Tirana
General information about Albania:
Albania is located on the Southeastern Europe along Adriatic and Ionian coast.Less then 140 km (75 miles) from the Italian coast.It borders Yougoslavia and Kosovo in the north and northeast and Macedonia in the east and Greece in the south.
Local time GMT+1 (GMT+2 between the end of April and the end of October)
28748 sq. km. (11000 sq. miles)
Population Albania
The capital is Tirana
Population Tirana
Around 800.000
Albanian Parliament legalized consesual homosexual relations first on January 20, 1995.
If you've been told that there's no gay people in Albania, well that people gave you the wrong information. Gay people exists also in Albania (like in all other countries) in this small country which the capital is Tirana.Tirana enjoys a beautiful setting between the ranges of Dajti mountain from one side and the coastal plains on the other side.Tirana boasts several museums and artistic institutions including The National Historical Museum, Museum of Folc Culture, Opera and Balet Theater, Drama and Variety Show, The Gallery of the Fine Arts, The International Centre of Culture, The Palace of Congress and Exhibiton Halls so it is an attractive place for tourist but Tirana it's one of the few capitals (or maybe the last one) that doesn't have any gay bar around (discos, pubs, saunas or movie theaters for gay people) or at least one gay friendly bar and that is a big problem for the Albanian and foreinger gay people who comes to Tirana because first of all there's no known place where people can meet each other, cruise or be free to kiss their partner. In Tirana the only cruising area for the moment is a small park between the seet of the Socialist Party and the Ministery of Deffence of Albania. It is a very small park which connects Scanderbeg Square to the Deshmoret e 4 Shkurtit Street. For that reason the gay people call the place Tranzit which it is not a safe area to meet people knowing all the problems that have been in the past.
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